"CommandCompleter/glitch " = "CommandCompleter/glitch "; "CommandCompleter/gradualglitch " = "CommandCompleter/gradualglitch "; "CommandCompleterSend a bot message." = "CommandCompleterSend a bot message."; "CommandCompleterSend a bot message in rainbow colors." = "CommandCompleterSend a bot message in rainbow colors."; "CommandCompleterSend a message with a glitch effect." = "CommandCompleterSend a message with a glitch effect."; "CommandCompleterSend a message that gradually glitches." = "CommandCompleterSend a message that gradually glitches."; "EventExpirationDialogYou can configure when your messages will be deleted in %1. This only happens when Nheko is open and has permissions to delete messages until Matrix servers support this feature natively. In general 0 means disable." = "EventExpirationDialogYou can configure when your messages will be deleted in %1. This only happens when Nheko is open and has permissions to delete messages until Matrix servers support this feature natively. In general 0 means disable."; "EventExpirationDialogYou can configure when your messages will be deleted in all rooms unless configured otherwise. This only happens when Nheko is open and has permissions to delete messages until Matrix servers support this feature natively. In general 0 means disable." = "EventExpirationDialogYou can configure when your messages will be deleted in all rooms unless configured otherwise. This only happens when Nheko is open and has permissions to delete messages until Matrix servers support this feature natively. In general 0 means disable."; "EventExpirationDialogExpire events after X days" = "EventExpirationDialogExpire events after X days"; "EventExpirationDialogAutomatically redacts messages after X days, unless otherwise protected. Set to 0 to disable." = "EventExpirationDialogAutomatically redacts messages after X days, unless otherwise protected. Set to 0 to disable."; "EventExpirationDialogOnly keep latest X events" = "EventExpirationDialogOnly keep latest X events"; "EventExpirationDialogDeletes your events in this room if there are more than X newer messages unless otherwise protected. Set to 0 to disable." = "EventExpirationDialogDeletes your events in this room if there are more than X newer messages unless otherwise protected. Set to 0 to disable."; "EventExpirationDialogAlways keep latest X events" = "EventExpirationDialogAlways keep latest X events"; "EventExpirationDialogThis prevents events to be deleted by the above 2 settings if they are the latest X messages from you in the room." = "EventExpirationDialogThis prevents events to be deleted by the above 2 settings if they are the latest X messages from you in the room."; "EventExpirationDialogInclude state events" = "EventExpirationDialogInclude state events"; "EventExpirationDialogIf this is turned on, old state events also get redacted. The latest state event of any type+key combination is excluded from redaction to not remove the room name and similar state by accident." = "EventExpirationDialogIf this is turned on, old state events also get redacted. The latest state event of any type+key combination is excluded from redaction to not remove the room name and similar state by accident."; "FailedThe verification was accepted by a different device." = "FailedThe verification was accepted by a different device."; "FallbackAuthDialogFallback authentication" = "FallbackAuthDialogFallback authentication"; "FallbackAuthDialogOpen the fallback, follow the steps, and confirm after completing them." = "FallbackAuthDialogOpen the fallback, follow the steps, and confirm after completing them."; "FallbackAuthDialogOpen Fallback in Browser" = "W razie konieczności otwórz w przeglądarce"; "GridImagePackModelAccount Pack" = "GridImagePackModelAccount Pack"; "IgnoredUsersIgnored users" = "IgnoredUsersIgnored users"; "IgnoredUsersIgnoring a user hides their messages (they can still see yours!)." = "IgnoredUsersIgnoring a user hides their messages (they can still see yours!)."; "IgnoredUsersStop Ignoring." = "IgnoredUsersStop Ignoring."; "ImagePackDeleteDialogAre you sure you wish to delete the sticker pack '%1'?" = "ImagePackDeleteDialogAre you sure you wish to delete the sticker pack '%1'?"; "InputBarSelect file(s)" = "InputBarSelect file(s)"; "InputBarFailed to fetch user %1" = "InputBarFailed to fetch user %1"; "InviteDialogSearch user" = "InviteDialogSearch user"; "InviteDialog Example user id. The name 'user' can be localized however you want.@user:yourserver.example.com" = "InviteDialog\nExample user id. The name 'user' can be localized however you want.@user:yourserver.example.com"; "InviteDialogSearch on Server" = "InviteDialogSearch on Server"; "LoginPageYou have entered an invalid Matrix ID e.g. @user:yourserver.example.com" = "LoginPageYou have entered an invalid Matrix ID e.g. @user:yourserver.example.com"; "LoginPageThe selected server does not support a version of the Matrix protocol, that this client understands (%1 to %2). You can't sign in." = "LoginPageThe selected server does not support a version of the Matrix protocol, that this client understands (%1 to %2). You can't sign in."; "LoginPagee.g @user:yourserver.example.com" = "LoginPagee.g @user:yourserver.example.com"; "LoginPageYour login name. A mxid should start with @ followed by the user ID. After the user ID you need to include your server name after a :. You can also put your homeserver address there if your server doesn't support .well-known lookup. Example: @user:yourserver.example.com If Nheko fails to discover your homeserver, it will show you a field to enter the server manually." = "LoginPageYour login name. A mxid should start with @ followed by the user ID. After the user ID you need to include your server name after a :.\nYou can also put your homeserver address there if your server doesn't support .well-known lookup.\nExample: @user:yourserver.example.com\nIf Nheko fails to discover your homeserver, it will show you a field to enter the server manually."; "LoginPageShow/Hide Password" = "LoginPageShow/Hide Password"; "LoginPageA name for this device which will be shown to others when verifying your devices. If nothing is provided, a default is used." = "LoginPageA name for this device which will be shown to others when verifying your devices. If nothing is provided, a default is used."; "LoginPageyourserver.example.com:8787" = "LoginPageyourserver.example.com:8787"; "LoginPageThe address that can be used to contact your homeserver's client API. Example: https://yourserver.example.com:8787" = "LoginPageThe address that can be used to contact your homeserver's client API.\nExample: https://yourserver.example.com:8787"; "MessageInputAlready on a call" = "MessageInputAlready on a call"; "MessageInputWarningDon't mention them in this message" = "MessageInputWarningDon't mention them in this message"; "MessageViewGo to message" = "MessageViewGo to message"; "MessageViewGo to &message" = "MessageViewGo to &message"; "MessageView&Thread" = "MessageView&Thread"; "MessageViewReport message" = "MessageViewReport message"; "NewVerificationRequestTo allow other users to see which of your devices actually belong to you, you can verify them. This also allows key backup to work automatically. Verify an unverified device now? (Please make sure you have one of those devices available.)" = "NewVerificationRequestTo allow other users to see which of your devices actually belong to you, you can verify them. This also allows key backup to work automatically. Verify an unverified device now? (Please make sure you have one of those devices available.)"; "NewVerificationRequestTo allow other users to see which of your devices actually belong to you, you can verify them. This also allows key backup to work automatically. Verify %1 now?" = "NewVerificationRequestTo allow other users to see which of your devices actually belong to you, you can verify them. This also allows key backup to work automatically. Verify %1 now?"; "PowerLevelSpacesApplyDialogWhich of the subcommunities and rooms should these permissions be applied to?" = "PowerLevelSpacesApplyDialogWhich of the subcommunities and rooms should these permissions be applied to?"; "PowerLevelSpacesApplyDialogOverwrite exisiting modifications in rooms" = "PowerLevelSpacesApplyDialogOverwrite exisiting modifications in rooms"; "PowerLevelSpacesApplyDialogNo permissions to apply the new permissions here" = "PowerLevelSpacesApplyDialogNo permissions to apply the new permissions here"; "PowerLevelSpacesApplyDialogNo changes needed" = "PowerLevelSpacesApplyDialogNo changes needed"; "PowerLevelSpacesApplyDialogExisting modifications to the permissions in this room will be overwritten" = "PowerLevelSpacesApplyDialogExisting modifications to the permissions in this room will be overwritten"; "PowerLevelSpacesApplyDialogPermissions synchronized with community" = "PowerLevelSpacesApplyDialogPermissions synchronized with community"; "PowerlevelsTypeListModelEdit child communities and rooms" = "PowerlevelsTypeListModelEdit child communities and rooms"; "PowerlevelsTypeListModelChange parent communities" = "PowerlevelsTypeListModelChange parent communities"; "PowerlevelsTypeListModelReject a call" = "PowerlevelsTypeListModelReject a call"; "QCoreApplicationCreate a unique profile which allows you to log into several accounts at the same time and start multiple instances of nheko." = "QCoreApplicationCreate a unique profile which allows you to log into several accounts at the same time and start multiple instances of nheko."; "QObjectAlias for '--log-level trace'." = "QObjectAlias for '--log-level trace'."; "QObjectSet the global log level, or a comma-separated list of = pairs, or both. For example, to set the default log level to 'warn' but disable logging for the 'ui' component, pass 'warn,ui=off'. levels:{trace,debug,info,warning,error,critical,off} components:{crypto,db,mtx,net,qml,ui}" = "QObjectSet the global log level, or a comma-separated list of = pairs, or both. For example, to set the default log level to 'warn' but disable logging for the 'ui' component, pass 'warn,ui=off'. levels:{trace,debug,info,warning,error,critical,off} components:{crypto,db,mtx,net,qml,ui}"; "QObjectlevel" = "QObjectlevel"; "QObjectSet the log output type. A comma-separated list is allowed. The default is 'file,stderr'. types:{file,stderr,none}" = "QObjectSet the log output type. A comma-separated list is allowed. The default is 'file,stderr'. types:{file,stderr,none}"; "QObjecttype" = "QObjecttype"; "QObjectRecompacts the database which might improve performance." = "QObjectRecompacts the database which might improve performance."; "QObjectRespond" = "QObjectRespond"; "RegisterPageThe selected server does not support a version of the Matrix protocol that this client understands (%1 to %2). You can't register." = "RegisterPageThe selected server does not support a version of the Matrix protocol that this client understands (%1 to %2). You can't register."; "RegisterPageA name for this device which will be shown to others when verifying your devices. If nothing is provided a default is used." = "RegisterPageA name for this device which will be shown to others when verifying your devices. If nothing is provided a default is used."; "ReportMessageReport message" = "ReportMessageReport message"; "ReportMessageThis message you are reporting will be sent to your server administrator for review. Please note that not all server administrators review reported content. You should also ask a room moderator to remove the content if necessary." = "ReportMessageThis message you are reporting will be sent to your server administrator for review. Please note that not all server administrators review reported content. You should also ask a room moderator to remove the content if necessary."; "ReportMessageEnter your reason for reporting:" = "ReportMessageEnter your reason for reporting:"; "ReportMessageHow bad is the message?" = "ReportMessageHow bad is the message?"; "ReportMessageNot bad" = "ReportMessageNot bad"; "ReportMessageMild" = "ReportMessageMild"; "ReportMessageBad" = "ReportMessageBad"; "ReportMessageSerious" = "ReportMessageSerious"; "ReportMessageExtremely serious" = "ReportMessageExtremely serious"; "RoomDirectoryOpen" = "RoomDirectoryOpen"; "RoomListAutomatic online status" = "RoomListAutomatic online status"; "RoomListOnline" = "RoomListOnline"; "RoomListUnavailable" = "RoomListUnavailable"; "RoomListOffline" = "RoomListOffline"; "RoomSettingsDialogENTRY PERMISSIONS" = "RoomSettingsDialogENTRY PERMISSIONS"; "RoomSettingsDialogAllow joining via other rooms" = "RoomSettingsDialogAllow joining via other rooms"; "RoomSettingsDialogRooms to join via" = "RoomSettingsDialogRooms to join via"; "RoomSettingsDialogChange the list of rooms users can join this room via. Usually this is the official community of this room." = "RoomSettingsDialogChange the list of rooms users can join this room via. Usually this is the official community of this room."; "RoomSettingsDialogAllow guests to join" = "RoomSettingsDialogAllow guests to join"; "RoomSettingsDialogMESSAGE VISIBILITY" = "RoomSettingsDialogMESSAGE VISIBILITY"; "RoomSettingsDialogAllow viewing history without joining" = "RoomSettingsDialogAllow viewing history without joining"; "RoomSettingsDialogThis is useful to see previews of the room or view it on public websites." = "RoomSettingsDialogThis is useful to see previews of the room or view it on public websites."; "RoomSettingsDialogMembers can see messages since" = "RoomSettingsDialogMembers can see messages since"; "RoomSettingsDialogHow much of the history is visible to joined members. Changing this won't affect the visibility of already sent messages. It only applies to new messages." = "RoomSettingsDialogHow much of the history is visible to joined members. Changing this won't affect the visibility of already sent messages. It only applies to new messages."; "RoomSettingsDialogEverything" = "RoomSettingsDialogEverything"; "RoomSettingsDialogAs long as the user joined, they can see all previous messages." = "RoomSettingsDialogAs long as the user joined, they can see all previous messages."; "RoomSettingsDialogThey got invited" = "RoomSettingsDialogThey got invited"; "RoomSettingsDialogMembers can only see messages from when they got invited going forward." = "RoomSettingsDialogMembers can only see messages from when they got invited going forward."; "RoomSettingsDialogThey joined" = "RoomSettingsDialogThey joined"; "RoomSettingsDialogMembers can only see messages since after they joined." = "RoomSettingsDialogMembers can only see messages since after they joined."; "RoomSettingsDialogApply visibility changes" = "RoomSettingsDialogApply visibility changes"; "RoomSettingsDialogLocally hidden events" = "RoomSettingsDialogLocally hidden events"; "RoomSettingsDialogAutomatic event deletion" = "RoomSettingsDialogAutomatic event deletion"; "RoomSettingsDialogSelect if your events get automatically deleted in this room." = "RoomSettingsDialogSelect if your events get automatically deleted in this room."; "RoomSettingsDialogGENERAL SETTINGS" = "RoomSettingsDialogGENERAL SETTINGS"; "RoomSettingsDialogChange what packs are enabled, remove packs, or create new ones" = "RoomSettingsDialogChange what packs are enabled, remove packs, or create new ones"; "RoomlistModelThis room is possibly inaccessible" = "RoomlistModelThis room is possibly inaccessible"; "RootPlease enter the token which has been sent to you:" = "RootPlease enter the token which has been sent to you:"; "ScreenShareMethod:" = "ScreenShareMethod:"; "ScreenShareRequest screencast" = "ScreenShareRequest screencast"; "StickerPickerChange what packs are enabled, remove packs, or create new ones" = "StickerPickerChange what packs are enabled, remove packs, or create new ones"; "TimelineEvent%1 rejected the call." = "TimelineEvent%1 rejected the call."; "TimelineEvent%1 selected answer." = "TimelineEvent%1 selected answer."; "TimelineEventThis room was replaced for the following reason: %1" = "TimelineEventThis room was replaced for the following reason: %1"; "TimelineEventGo to replacement room" = "TimelineEventGo to replacement room"; "TimelineModel%1 changed which servers are allowed in this room." = "TimelineModel%1 changed which servers are allowed in this room."; "TimelineModel%1 removed the room name." = "TimelineModel%1 removed the room name."; "TimelineModel%1 removed the topic." = "TimelineModel%1 removed the topic."; "TimelineModel%1 changed the room avatar to: %2" = "TimelineModel%1 changed the room avatar to: %2"; "TimelineModel%1 removed the room avatar." = "TimelineModel%1 removed the room avatar."; "TimelineModel%1 changed the parent communities for this room." = "TimelineModel%1 changed the parent communities for this room."; "TimelineModel%1 changed unknown state event %2." = "TimelineModel%1 changed unknown state event %2."; "TimelineModel%1 made this room require an invitation to join." = "TimelineModel%1 made this room require an invitation to join."; "TimelineSectionHeader%1's status message" = "TimelineSectionHeader%1's status message"; "TimelineViewYou will be mentioning %1" = "TimelineViewYou will be mentioning %1"; "TimelineViewThe command /%1 is not recognized and will be sent as part of your message" = "TimelineViewThe command /%1 is not recognized and will be sent as part of your message"; "TimelineView/%1 looks like an incomplete command. To send it anyway, add a space to the end of your message." = "TimelineView/%1 looks like an incomplete command. To send it anyway, add a space to the end of your message."; "TimelineViewThis room is possibly inaccessible. If this room is private, you should remove it from this community." = "TimelineViewThis room is possibly inaccessible. If this room is private, you should remove it from this community."; "TimelineViewdecline invite and ignore user" = "TimelineViewdecline invite and ignore user"; "TimelineViewleave" = "TimelineViewleave"; "TimelineViewInvited by %1 (%2)" = "TimelineViewInvited by %1 (%2)"; "UserProfileFailed to ignore \"%1\": %2" = "UserProfileFailed to ignore \"%1\": %2"; "UserProfileStatus: %1" = "UserProfileStatus: %1"; "UserProfileUnignore the user." = "UserProfileUnignore the user."; "UserProfileIgnore the user." = "UserProfileIgnore the user."; "UserProfileShared Rooms" = "UserProfileShared Rooms"; "UserSettingsModelScrollbars in room list" = "UserSettingsModelScrollbars in room list"; "UserSettingsModelUse shift+enter to send and enter to start a new line" = "UserSettingsModelUse shift+enter to send and enter to start a new line"; "UserSettingsModelSort rooms alphabetically" = "UserSettingsModelSort rooms alphabetically"; "UserSettingsModelIgnored users" = "UserSettingsModelIgnored users"; "UserSettingsModelReduce or disable animations" = "UserSettingsModelReduce or disable animations"; "UserSettingsModelDisable swipe motions" = "UserSettingsModelDisable swipe motions"; "UserSettingsModelACCESSIBILITY" = "UserSettingsModelACCESSIBILITY"; "UserSettingsModelGLOBAL MESSAGE VISIBILITY" = "UserSettingsModelGLOBAL MESSAGE VISIBILITY"; "UserSettingsModelPeriodically update community routing information" = "UserSettingsModelPeriodically update community routing information"; "UserSettingsModelPeriodically delete expired events" = "UserSettingsModelPeriodically delete expired events"; "UserSettingsModelShows scrollbars in the room list and communities list." = "UserSettingsModelShows scrollbars in the room list and communities list."; "UserSettingsModelDisplay rooms with new messages first. If this is off, the list of rooms will only be sorted by the preferred sorting order. If this is on, rooms which have active notifications (the small circle with a number in it) will be sorted on top. Rooms that you have muted will still be sorted by the preferred sorting order, since you don't seem to consider them as important as the other rooms." = "UserSettingsModelDisplay rooms with new messages first.\nIf this is off, the list of rooms will only be sorted by the preferred sorting order.\nIf this is on, rooms which have active notifications (the small circle with a number in it) will be sorted on top. Rooms that you have muted will still be sorted by the preferred sorting order, since you don't seem to consider them as important as the other rooms."; "UserSettingsModelSort rooms alphabetically. If this is off, the list of rooms will be sorted by the timestamp of the last message in a room. If this is on, rooms that come first alphabetically will be sorted earlier than ones that come later." = "UserSettingsModelSort rooms alphabetically.\nIf this is off, the list of rooms will be sorted by the timestamp of the last message in a room.\nIf this is on, rooms that come first alphabetically will be sorted earlier than ones that come later."; "UserSettingsModelConfigure whether to show or hide certain events like room joins." = "UserSettingsModelConfigure whether to show or hide certain events like room joins."; "UserSettingsModelNheko uses animations in several places to make stuff pretty. This allows you to turn those off if they make you feel unwell." = "UserSettingsModelNheko uses animations in several places to make stuff pretty. This allows you to turn those off if they make you feel unwell."; "UserSettingsModelWill prevent swipe motions like swiping left/right between Rooms and Timeline, or swiping a message to reply." = "UserSettingsModelWill prevent swipe motions like swiping left/right between Rooms and Timeline, or swiping a message to reply."; "UserSettingsModelAutomatically replies to key requests from other users if they are verified, even if that device shouldn't have access to those keys otherwise." = "UserSettingsModelAutomatically replies to key requests from other users if they are verified, even if that device shouldn't have access to those keys otherwise."; "UserSettingsModelTo allow new users to join a community, the community needs to expose some information about what servers participate in a room to community members. Since the room participants can change over time, this needs to be updated from time to time. This setting enables a background job to do that automatically." = "UserSettingsModelTo allow new users to join a community, the community needs to expose some information about what servers participate in a room to community members. Since the room participants can change over time, this needs to be updated from time to time. This setting enables a background job to do that automatically."; "UserSettingsModelRegularly redact expired events as specified in the event expiration configuration. Since this is currently not executed server side, you need to have one client running this regularly." = "UserSettingsModelRegularly redact expired events as specified in the event expiration configuration. Since this is currently not executed server side, you need to have one client running this regularly."; "UserSettingsModelManage your ignored users." = "UserSettingsModelManage your ignored users."; "UserSettingsModelSystem font" = "UserSettingsModelSystem font"; "UserSettingsModelSystem emoji font" = "UserSettingsModelSystem emoji font"; "UserSettingsPageCONFIGURE" = "UserSettingsPageCONFIGURE"; "UserSettingsPageMANAGE" = "UserSettingsPageMANAGE"; "WelcomePageReduce animations" = "WelcomePageReduce animations"; "WelcomePageNheko uses animations in several places to make stuff pretty. This allows you to turn those off if they make you feel unwell." = "WelcomePageNheko uses animations in several places to make stuff pretty. This allows you to turn those off if they make you feel unwell."; "message-description sent:You sent a chat effect" = "message-description sent:You sent a chat effect"; "message-description sent:%1 sent a chat effect" = "message-description sent:%1 sent a chat effect"; "message-description sent:You rejected a call" = "message-description sent:You rejected a call"; "message-description sent:%1 rejected a call" = "message-description sent:%1 rejected a call";